The Dog House Gang was founded by five role-playing game enthusiasts with a hankerin' for Wild West tabletop adventures.
We published the Ennie Gold Award-winning Sidewinder: Recoiled in 2004. Over the years we have published a number of e-book supplements for Recoiled, as well as versions of our Wild West settings and adventures for the Savage Worlds game system. DHR published Trailer Park Shark Attack! for Savage Worlds in 2018.
While some of the original partners have moved on to greener pastures, two of the original gang continue to operate DHR, with several new titles in 2021 and 2022 (Savaged Pardners Card Deck, Bad Night in El Rey, Sharkano! and printed map tiles for TPSA!).
Please take a look around our spread. All of our products are available in pdf format, with newer titles available via print-on-demand. We also have several free supplements to say thanks to our pards. We hope you find something you like among our wares.